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4 Tips for a Successful Media Pitch

In professional communications, media pitches may be part of your daily duties. A media pitch is a way to present newsworthy information about your products, events or services to media outlets. That can result in valuable coverage that raises visibility, awareness and engagement for your organization.

A media pitch helps an organization collaborate with media outlets and build lasting relationships. Image source: Canva Studio from

According to Respona, media outlets may receive up to 500 pitches per week. Writing a clear, interesting and relevant media pitch will increase the likelihood that yours will be picked up by an outlet of your choice.

These tips will help you write a media pitch that is more likely to be picked up by outlets:

Prepare a short, relevant subject line

The subject line is the most important component of a media pitch. According to BuzzStream, 85 per cent of journalists open a media pitch based on the subject line. If it’s not newsworthy, it will be moved to trash before it’s opened.

Address specific media contacts

Addressing a specific journalist will increase the likelihood of having your story picked up. Class PR recommends including the name and contact information of the journalist you want to read your pitch.

Back up your claims

It’s important to provide data and statistics in your media pitch because journalists will not search for alternative information. Back up claims and statements with data to build credibility for your product, event or service.

Keep it concise and on topic

Journalists don’t have time to decipher key messages in a lengthy email. Keep your media pitch to a minimum, ensuring the entire pitch fits on one screen. Introduce your organization briefly without writing an entire paragraph. To stay on topic, stick to key messages about the product, event or services you’re pitching.

Before sending a media pitch, make sure you’re organized and well prepared. Media pitches should have a single angle with a structured and personalized touch. For more information on constructing a successful media pitch, visit these blog posts by Prowly, Class PR and Respona.


About the author:

Hannah Langille is pursuing an Advanced Diploma in Public Relations from Nova Scotia Community College. Currently, she is completing her work term as a communications assistant at the Dartmouth General Hospital Foundation. She has experience in project management, events and community outreach for not-for-profit organizations.

Hannah is an active community member who enjoys being involved in community-oriented events and organizations. She appreciates volunteerism to support a cohesive and collaborative environment for everyone involved. She is a passionate communicator and an advocate for mental health, disabilities and active healthy living.

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